Chicago...and a quick review

Its been one of those weeks: there was so much I wanted to blog about I ended up not blogging at all. Oh well: let's do the public diary first and at least get started again.

My cousin was visiting, and so I finally had the brief of trying to see a little of Chicago. Ended up spending most of Friday evening/night at Looptopia, where I had a blast. The idea was an open concert with about a 175 free events around the Chicago Loop area. The event ran from 5pm to 5a m. I ended up walking around downtown Chicago more than I have in a while, visiting the Art Institute, catching a Stage Door Broadway in Chicago performance, standing in line for events for a ridiculous amount of time, getting turned away from some of them and catching a few other open-air events including jiving belly-dancers, stand-up comics and the Wierd Sisters. The next day it was a touristy visit to the Sears Tower, where a quote on the Skydeck walls seemed so true to me, especially after the night before.
"Show me another city so happy to be alive" - Carl Sandburg.

The Dirty Canuck put it better. I misquote: "Liking Chicago is like falling in love with your best friend. It'll happen slowly, but will hit you hard."

I'm going to miss this city more than I thought....

Oh quick movie review: caught Spiderman 3 on IMAX over the weekend. Loved it. :)

Oh, to add the debate I'd drop Kirsten Dunst's Mary Jane for Bryce Dallas Howard's Gwen Stacy in a second.


Josekin said…
WHAT!? It took you a second to drop Dunst? Dude, it should take 1/1000 of a second.

Anyway, at least you did drop her.

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