The Daily Show: live

On the day that I learned I was definitely getting to move to NYC, I visited the Daily Show website and looked to see how I could get tickets to a taping of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

Then, I got a date that seemed, back then, ages away: nearly 4 months later in January 2010. Well today was that day, so I skipped out of work for a few hours in the afternoon (fear not any Googlers reading this- back now and here a while. :)) and braved the NYC cold to catch the taping.

What I learned:
  • The warm-up guy Paul Mercuio was pretty funny. He made fun of a Investment Banker in the first row that ended with "Why do you keep looking at your wife? Is she your attorney? Oh...she IS an attorney....Well, Sue me later." (you had to be there)
  • They don't let you take pictures inside the studio and warn you about it repeatedly, so the only proof I have that I went is the picture of the entrance ticket attached.
  • The studio is surprisingly small. Lesson: everything looks bigger on TV
  • Jon Stewart was incredibly funny and personable both on the show, but even more so before, when he just takes questions from the audience for about 10-15 mins.
  • They shoot the show straight: i.e. as if it were live with no interruptions.
  • I had a blast! I'm going to try to do it again.
  • FYI: I also learned if you're really just interested in watching the show, if you just show up around 3-4 hours before they start taping and line up outside you should be able to get in.:)
  • More FYI: I had a decent seat in the end but felt a little annoyed initially that I wasn't asked to sit up front given that I'd come in early,..... but if you have a choice avoid the seats closest to the set. The camera(s) will block a lot of the view.
Pictographic evidence below:


Kelly said…
You are saying absolutely right that The guy Paul Mercuio is pretty funny. He is very talented person. I am also huge fan of him. I like to Watch Daily Show Episodes with my father. Daily Show has won multiple Emmy's awards due to it's Great character's acting. Every episode of this show is Amazing!!!

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