Finally! I met an app permission I can't say yes to.
I say "yes" a lot - not to everything, but certainly to app permission dialogs. This is somewhat unusual - not amongst most people - but definitely amongst most people I've generally worked with. I've always been pretty comfortable knowing that sometimes the only way to get value from an app is the share information about me. Sometimes the information is used to make things better for me, but often its just to get me to come back (permission to see my email) or others (permission to see my friends when its not really needed for the app). C'est la vie.. Now as products try to do more sophisticated things for you, they naturally need to know more about you. It turns out the line in the sand for me is being able to read my email. Over the last few months, I've been excited to try 3 app and but stopped just short of installing because the only way for me to use them would've been to let them see my email. In these 3 cases, I actually knew people that...