Quick reviews: The Namesake, The Search, 300, Stranger Than Fiction, Second Life, Green Wing

The Namesake: Caught this one on Monday. I liked it. It works as a character study, though I couldn't help shaking the feeling that this probably worked better as a novel. Tabu and Irfan Khan are fantastic, but that's the best part of the movie.

The Search:
About half way through this one, and I love it. It's extremely well-written and informative. It does an excellent job of going over the history of Search, the various search/advertising business models and the personalities involved. Battelle does a great job of explaining stuff without dumbing it down. This one on the other hand reads more like the screenplay for a telemovie. In case you're wondering: future employment at a firm does increase my interest in it.:)

300: Whoa! Awesome!! I ended up seeing it in IMAX, which was a smart move. As long as you're not looking for subtlety in any form, you'll love this movie. Everything is over the top, but what a rush!

Stranger Than Fiction: Interesting, and watchable. But with that cast you kinda hope for more.

Second Life: Hmmm...tried is last night for an hour. Don't really get the fascination with it yet.

Green Wing:

Caught about one and half seasons of this over the week. Dude! Awesome! Ridiculously funny. Ridiculously wrong. Think Scrubs on HBO...but then imagine making it much funnier and darker. Clip below, but you really need to see the whole thing:

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