So what's it like earning a living again?
Good. Except having real stuff to do, seems to be negatively correlated to my blogging frequency....grrr! So what's it like working at Google? So far..pretty awesome!! Why? Ridiculously, ridiculously open. I was shocked by how much info everyone has access to, and even more surprised at how incredibly people still respect product secrecy. I found myself saying "I can't talk about that." to a good friend a week after starting.....even when the question was "So how's work?" . :) Of course I'll mention the usual stuff: gym, massage chair, free food, good free food....there's a free DDR machine in the building next door that I must now go to more often (I played it for the first time yesterday..didn't go well!) The little stuff matters to me too...the other day I had a Powerpoint deck to make; it made all the difference that I could go out, sit with my legs up on a picnic table taking in the California sun while finishing it up rather than sittin...